Fall Golf Tournament #1

Registrations have closed.
ABC Central Florida

Fall Golf Tournament #1

1079 1079 people viewed this event.

Don`t miss your opportunity to play at the beautiful Celebration Golf Club! Every year these tournaments sell out, so don’t wait to register & secure your space today – your tee time is waiting!

Registration Opens: 7:00AM | Shotgun Start: 8:30AM

Ticket Information

ABC Member Foursome - August 30, 2024
Sales Ended: 08-28-2024 12:00 AM
- Already registered for this event.
Prospective Member Foursome - August 30, 2024
Sales Ended: 08-28-2024 12:00 AM
- Already registered for this event.
Party Hole Sponsor
Sales Ended: 08-23-2024 12:00 AM
Sold Out Already registered for this event.
If you’re looking to sponsor a good time out on the course during the tournament and plan to serve alcohol, this is for you! Includes 1 table & 2 chairs, company name listed on signage at assigned hole and lunch for 2. Add additional lunches at $50pp.
On Course Sponsor
Sales Ended: 08-23-2024 12:00 AM
Sold Out Already registered for this event.
Includes 1 table, 2 chairs, company name listed on signage at assigned hole and lunch for 2. Add additional lunches at $50pp.
Longest Drive Sponsor
Sales Ended: 08-23-2024 12:00 AM
Sold Out Already registered for this event.
Witness golfers as they compete to get their ball the farthest in the fairway. Includes 1 table, 2 chairs, company name listed on signage at assigned hole, prize for winning golfer and lunch for 2. Add additional lunches at $50pp.
Closest to the Pin Sponsor
Sales Ended: 08-23-2024 12:00 AM
Sold Out Already registered for this event.
Witness golfers as they compete to get their ball closet to the hole on the green. Includes 1 table, 2 chairs, company name listed on signage at assigned hole, prize for winning golfer and lunch for 2. Add additional lunches at $50pp.
Hole-in-One Sponsor
Sales Ended: 08-26-2024 12:00 AM
- Already registered for this event.
Witness golfers taking a chance at winning the hole-in-one cash prize! Includes table set-up on course, lunch for 2. Add additional lunches at $50pp.
Golf Towel Sponsor
Sales Ended: 07-30-2024 12:00 AM
Sold Out Already registered for this event.
Company logo/name on golf towels handed out to each golfer at registration.
Lunch Sponsor
Sales Ended: 08-16-2024 12:00 AM
- Already registered for this event.
Company logo displayed on signage by lunch buffet.
Golf Tee Sponsor
Sales Ended: 07-30-2024 12:00 AM
- Already registered for this event.
Company Logo/Name on golf tees handed out to each golfer at registration.
Hole Sponsor
Sales Ended: 08-23-2024 12:00 AM
- Already registered for this event.
Company on sign along the course.
Door Prize Sponsor
Sales Ended: 08-27-2024 12:00 AM
Sold Out Already registered for this event.
Company logo displayed. Company mentioned during awards.
Power Pack
Sales Ended: 08-26-2024 12:00 AM
- Already registered for this event.
Includes 2 Mulligans and 2 Raffle Tickets.
Additional Lunch
Sales Ended: 08-23-2024 12:00 AM
- Already registered for this event.

Additional Details

Cancellation Date - 08-23-2024

Event registration closed.

Date And Time

08-30-2024 @ 07:00 AM to
08-30-2024 @ 02:00 PM

Registration End Date


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