State Convention

ABC Central Florida

The ABC of Florida State Convention gives you an opportunity to make connections and develop relationships with peers from five Florida Chapters, while enjoying Florida’s gulf coast.

Reserve your room for Thursday, Friday and Saturday nights at the Naples Grand Resort in Naples, FL.

This event supports state-wide legislative and political efforts for ABC members.

July 17-19, 2025

Naples Grand Resort

475 Seagate Drive
Naples, FL 34103

Call Phone: (239)-597-3232 or use Room Link Button

Who Should Attend the Convention?

  •      Owners
  •      Presidents
  •      Principals
  •      Pre-construction Managers/Estimators
  •      Business Development/Marketing
  •      Project Directors
  •      Project Managers

Why Attend the Convention? 
It’s an opportunity to meet in an informal, relaxed setting for the purpose of learning from construction experts and exchanging ideas with other construction professionals.  Plus, you will enjoy the company of other fine construction folks. This event supports state-wide legislative and political efforts for ABC members.

What to Wear?
Casual attire is typically is worn at convention events.


Events & Activities Schedule

July 17

10:00 AM - 12:00 PM

1:00 - 3:00 PM

1:00 – 5:00 PM

6:00 – 7:00 PM

Professional Development Session #1
(see topics below)

Professional Development Session #2

Board Meeting

Opening Night & Legislative Reception

July 18

7:30 AM – 3:00 PM

5:00 – 6:00 PM

6:00 – 9:00 PM

Planning Conference

Tradewinds Hosted Reception

ABC "It's Five O'clock Somewhere" Family Dinner Party

July 19

8:00 AM – 12:00 PM

10:00 AM – 1:00 PM

5:30 – 6:30 PM

Half-day Fishing Trip

Day at the Beach

Final Night Cocktail Reception


ABC of Florida State Convention Group Room Rates

There are limited beach front rooms and suites available. Group rate is available three days pre/post, based on group availability. Group rates are available for registered convention attendees only.

Resort Fee
There is a daily resort fee of $55 which includes:

Self-parking for one car per bedroom
1 Beach Cabana per room
Fitness Center and  tennis courts
Miniature Golf
Hide Tide Slide
Wipe out ride
Zip line
Daily coffee and local newspaper
Access to trolley system

Self-parking discounted to $25 per car, per day.

Room Reservation Deadline

ABC of Florida has reserved a limited number of rooms at a discounted group rate, which is available while supplies last. The deadline for the group rate is June  16, 2024.  After this date, there is no guarantee that rooms or the group rate will be available.

To Reserve Your Room call (239)-597-3232 or use the Resort Reservation Link button above.

 The resort requires a one night’s room and tax deposit with each individual reservation. Individuals canceling less than seven days prior to the scheduled arrival date will forfeit their deposit.

Professional Development Sessions
Tech Trends for ABC Contractors and Artificial Intelligence's Impact on Contractors

Presenter: Matt Abeles, Vice President of Construction Technology and Innovation, ABC National
Topics will include:

  • The latest technology trends impacting ABC contractors.
  • What AI is, how it is impacting our contractor members, and what you can do to be ahead of the curve to help your business with some AI tools.
  • How ABC resources are helping our contractor members choose technologies, get exclusive discounts, gain insights on AI, and see how our members are using technology to be safer, more profitable and win more work.
  • How ABC Florida chapters are bringing the best tech education to their members, and what they can do to keep a constant stream of tech info to their members.

A Comprehensive Business Development Approach to Winning More Work and Becoming More Profitable

Presenters: Tom Ennis, Principal of Pivot Professional Services and Tom Ennis, Jr., Associate Consultant at Pivot Professional Services

Topics will include:

  • Understanding the rapid changes in all aspects of Business Development.
  • Improving contractor member workflow by optimizing Business Developer roles.
  • Identifying Seller-Doer traits to take advantage of your in-house talent and showcase your company's skills to clients.

In addition to specific event signage, sponsors will receive:

  • Listing in convention communication with company logo ($500+) or company name (Under $500) (high resolution company logo required)
  • $500-$1,000 Sponsors will have company logo displayed on signage during all events
  • After event, Sponsors’ company logos will appear on the email communication to participants and social media

Sponsorship Opportunities

State Convention Title Sponsor$5,000
Includes two full registration packages. Company logo on marketing and signage during convention.
VIP ELected Lunch Sponsor$2,000
Thursday, July 18 Lunch with lobbyists and VIP guests. Includes two tickets.
Beach Towel Sponsor $4,000 
Company logo on beach towel with ABC of Florida logo.
Entertainment Sponsor$3,000 
Exclusive! Sponsor entertainment for both evening receptions. Company logo on signage during receptions.
Tote Bag Sponsor$250* 

Exclusive! Company supplies a minimum of 125 heavy duty tote bags which meet ABC specifications. Items for all convention guests.

Promotional Giveaways$150*

Company supplies a minimum of 125 donated items. Items to be distributed to Planning Conference Attendees.

Opening Night Reception Sponsors

Thursday, July 18
Legislator Sponsor$1,000

Company logo on signage during reception

Company logo on mini tent cards on highboys and cocktail tables during reception
Reception Sponsor$1,000

Company logo on signage during reception

Cocktail Napkin Sponsor$500 

Company logo in one color on cocktail napkins during reception

ABC of FL Planning Conference Sponsors

Friday, July 19
Table-Top Sponsor $1,500

Table display during Friday’s Planning Conference. Company logo on signage during convention. Includes one registration!

Meeting Refreshment Sponsor$500
Company logo on signage during planning conference
Breakfast Sponsor$500
Company logo on signage displayed during breakfast and on tables
Lunch Sponsor$750
Company logo on signage displayed during lunch and on tables
Conference Snack Bag Sponsor$500
Company logo on each snack bag distributed to planning conference attendees.

Reception & Family LUAU DInner

Friday, July 19
Reception Sponsor$1,000
Company logo on signage
Entertainment Sponsor$2,000

Company logo on signage - opportunity to speak on microphone.

Dinner Sponsor$3,000

Company logo on signage - opportunity to speak on microphone. Logo on table centerpieces.

Final Night Reception Sponsors

Saturday, July 20
Reception Sponsor $1,000
Company logo on signage
Centerpiece Sponsor$750
Company logo on mini tent cards on highboy and cocktail table during reception

* Sponsor fee plus shipping and handling charges (which is determined by actual charges incurred). Contact the CFC ABC office with specifics, regarding shipping, delivery, size, etc.

Not all sponsorships are exclusive, but some may be limited.