Michele Daugherty is the President/CEO of Associated Builders and Contractors, Central Florida Chapter. Associated Builders and Contractors (ABC) is a national construction association representing more than 22,000 members nationwide. Michele helps members develop their people and deliver work safely for the betterment of the communities in which they work and live.
Michele has spent the past two decades focused on creating career & advancement pathways for others. Prior to leading ABC Central Florida, she spent 17 years as the President/CEO of the ABC Northern California and Nevada Chapters. Under her leadership ABC has continued to grow as a workforce development leader expanding state and federally approved Apprenticeship and Craft Training programs across the country. Michele is committed to educating the current and future workforce and values the importance of educating today’s youth on the benefits of careers in construction.
Michele is a certified Master Trainer for the National Center for Construction Education and Research. She was formerly the Director of the University of Nevada, Reno College of Business Advising Center and was appointed for multiple terms on the State of Nevada Apprenticeship Council. Fun fact - Michele got her start working at a Gold Mine. Michele resides in Orlando with her husband of 18 years and is the proud mother of two boys Seventeen and Eleven. One of Michele’s favorite sayings is, “I put on my boots and broke concrete to break the glass ceiling!”